perl printCharCode.pl "対象のディレクトリ"
printCharCode.pl の内容は以下の通り。
use strict; use warnings; use Encode::Guess; my $dir = $ARGV[0]; if(! -d $dir) { die "Invalid argument. Specify a dir..."; } my @fileList; getFileList($dir, \@fileList); foreach my $file (sort @fileList) { open(my $fh, $file) or die "Failed to open $file: $!"; my $fileContent; while (my $line = <$fh>){ $fileContent .= $line; } close($fh); # https://perldoc.perl.org/Encode/Guess.html を参考にした。 # 「By default, it checks only ascii, utf8 and UTF-16/32 with BOM.」 # とのことなので、guess_encoding の引数に utf8、UTF-16/32 は指定しなくて良いらしい。 my $encode = guess_encoding($fileContent, qw/euc-jp shiftjis 7bit-jis/); if (ref $encode) { print "Encoding is " . $encode->name . " for " . $file . ".\n"; } else { print "Can't guess $file: $encode\n"; } } sub getFileList { my $dir = shift; my $ref_fileList = shift; # for output. opendir(my $dh, $dir) or die "Failed to open $dir: $!"; my @fileList = readdir($dh); closedir($dh); foreach my $file (sort @fileList) { if($file =~ /^\.{1,2}$/) { next; } if( -d "$dir/$file") { getFileList("$dir/$file", $ref_fileList); } else { push(@$ref_fileList, "$dir/$file"); } } }
Encoding is shiftjis for xxxx Encoding is utf8 for yyyy Encoding is ascii for zzzz